Nauka Przyroda Technologie

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2015 volume 9 issue 1 #7 , DOI: 10.17306/J.NPT.2015.1.7
Przemysław Frankowski, Janina Zbierska
Assessment of water quality and ecologic potential of small water reservoirs rebuilt in agricultural landscape of Wielkopolska

The study presents assessment of water quality and ecologic potential of artificially reconstructed small, glacial mid-field water reservoirs, rebuilt in 1999-2000, near the village of Nienawiszcz in Rogoźno municipality in Wielkopolska. Assessment was based on research and analysis carried out in 2010-2012. The biological and physical-chemical elements of water, vegetation of aquatic belts and surrounding reservoirs were analysed. The water in the restored reservoirs meets quality requirements for the fish farming and for bathing purposes. Water quality and ecological potential of the reservoirs can be described as good or satisfactory. Rebuilt mid-field ponds had a positive impact on increasing diversity in the agricultural landscape and together with the surrounding vegetation are a buffer for the nutrients running down from fields.

Key words: water quality, ecologic potential, mid-field reservoirs, buffer zones
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For citation:

MLA Frankowski, Przemysław, and Janina Zbierska. "Ocena jakości wody i potencjału ekologicznego małych zbiorników wodnych odbudowanych w krajobrazie rolniczym Wielkopolski." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 9.1 (2015): #7.
APA Przemysław Frankowski1, Janina Zbierska2 (2015). Ocena jakości wody i potencjału ekologicznego małych zbiorników wodnych odbudowanych w krajobrazie rolniczym Wielkopolski. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 9 (1), #7
ISO 690 FRANKOWSKI, Przemysław, ZBIERSKA, Janina. Ocena jakości wody i potencjału ekologicznego małych zbiorników wodnych odbudowanych w krajobrazie rolniczym Wielkopolski. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2015, 9.1: #7.
Corresponding address:
Przemysław Frankowski
ul. Podolska 10
60-615 Poznań
e-mail: p_frankowski@
Accepted for print: 10.10.2014