This paper presents results of the plant cover investigation conducted in two newly created ecological lands: “Dębina I” and “Dębina II”, with an area of 84.63 ha. Studied ecological lands are located in the southern part of Poznań (west Poland), at the floodplain in Warta river valley. Flora of the studied object consists of 371 species of vascular plants, including 76.3% of native species. Two species are protected by law, 19 are endangered or vulnerable in Poznań and 26 species are ancient woodland indicator species. Kenophytes are 15.9%, with 21 casual and 38 naturalized (including 18 invasive) species. The vegetation of the studied object consists of 31 plant communities, including 27 plant associations, belonging to six phytosociological classes. The most common are Salicetum albae, Populetum albae, Querco-Ulmetum minoris and Galio sylvatici-Carpinetum, in order of the distance from the river bank. This plant associations sequence is determined by successional gradient in river valley. Both flora and vegetation are under strong human impact, which is manifested in decreasing of spontaneophytes number, increasing of the alien species number and frequency, as well as degeneration processes of vegetation. However, the studied object has a high conservation value, which are riparian forests, rare in the whole Warta river valley.
MLA | Dyderski, Marcin Krzysztof, and Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek. "Szata roślinna nowo powstałych użytków ekologicznych „Dębina I” oraz „Dębina II” w Poznaniu." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 9.4 (2015): #46. |
APA | Marcin Krzysztof Dyderski1, Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek2 (2015). Szata roślinna nowo powstałych użytków ekologicznych „Dębina I” oraz „Dębina II” w Poznaniu. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 9 (4), #46 |
ISO 690 | DYDERSKI, Marcin Krzysztof, WROńSKA-PILAREK, Dorota. Szata roślinna nowo powstałych użytków ekologicznych „Dębina I” oraz „Dębina II” w Poznaniu. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2015, 9.4: #46. |
Marcin Krzysztof Dyderski
Sekcja Botaniczna Koła Leśników
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 85
60-625 Poznań