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2015 volume 9 issue 1 #11 , DOI: 10.17306/J.NPT.2015.1.11
Barbara Sawicka, Piotr Barbaś
Dependence of potato yielding on meteorological conditions in selected mesoregions of south-east Poland

The aim of this study was to determine the dependence of potato yields on meteorological conditions in two mesoregions of south and eastern Poland. The basis for the paper constituted the meteorological data, the results of measurements of groundwater level and yields of 40 cultivars of potatoes from field experiments, conducted in 1999-2008. Experiments were carried out in the villages located in two mesoregions of southern and eastern Poland, in similar soil conditions, in three replications. The course of the meteorological conditions was tested using the measurements of precipitation, air humidity and air temperature at meteorological stations spaced about 100 km. Additionally, the groundwater conditions in the studied catchments were tested. Data were analysed using analysis of variance, simple correlation and polynomial regression. The threat to potato crops in both mesoregions by excessive soil moisture during the growing season was significantly lower than the insufficient moisture, which may be the main cause of reduction in yield values. High yield of early potato cultivars to late cultivars, in the western part of the Lublin voivodeship, encourage the growing season average temperature within 14.6-14.8°C and rainfall from 400 to 450 mm, and in the eastern part – the temperature 14.8-15.0°C and rainfall of 350-400 mm.

Key words: potato, cultivars, yield, meteorological conditions, groundwater level
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Sawicka, Barbara, and Piotr Barbaś. "Zależność plonowania ziemniaków od warunków meteorologicznych w wybranych mezoregionach Polski południowo-wschodniej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 9.1 (2015): #11.
APA Barbara Sawicka1, Piotr Barbaś2 (2015). Zależność plonowania ziemniaków od warunków meteorologicznych w wybranych mezoregionach Polski południowo-wschodniej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 9 (1), #11
ISO 690 SAWICKA, Barbara, BARBAś, Piotr. Zależność plonowania ziemniaków od warunków meteorologicznych w wybranych mezoregionach Polski południowo-wschodniej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2015, 9.1: #11.
Corresponding address:
Barbara Sawicka
Katedra Technologii Produkcji Roślinnej i Towaroznawstwa
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
ul. Akademicka 15
20-950 Lublin
Accepted for print: 16.10.2014