Part I. Physical and chemical properties of soils and the content of macroelements in plants
The Nadolnik park in Poznań (52°25'N and 16°56'E), founded in the 50’s of the last century with diversified area is located in the valley of the Varta river. Neglected for years it was destroyed. Restoration and modernization of the building are carried out, so it was important to perform studies on the physical parameters and status of soil fertility and nutrient content in plants. Chemical determinations were performed according to the methodology adopted in the studies of soil science and plant nutrition. Relief and human activity are the main factors modifying the physical and chemical properties of soils in the park and the content of macronutrients in plants. Soil in the Nadolnik park with a particle size of sand, is characterized by an alkaline reaction, a significant saturation of the sorption complex with cations of a basic nature, not exceeding the optimal macronutrient contents of soil and low salinity. The leaves of the trees growing in the field depression on average accumulated more N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S than the leaves of the trees located on a slope. Also racial differences in macronutrient content of the leaves were shown.
MLA | Golcz, Anna, et al. "Gleby i rośliny w parku Nadolnik w Poznaniu Część I. Właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne gleb oraz zawartość makroskładników w roślinach." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.3 (2014): #32. |
APA | Anna Golcz1, Elżbieta Kozik1, Małgorzata Golcz-Polaszewska2, Karina Kościelniak1, Natalia Musił1 (2014). Gleby i rośliny w parku Nadolnik w Poznaniu Część I. Właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne gleb oraz zawartość makroskładników w roślinach. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (3), #32 |
ISO 690 | GOLCZ, Anna, et al. Gleby i rośliny w parku Nadolnik w Poznaniu Część I. Właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne gleb oraz zawartość makroskładników w roślinach. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.3: #32. |
Anna Golcz
Katedra Żywienia Roślin
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Zgorzelecka 4
60-198 Poznań