The Renaissance took place in Europe in the XVth and XVIth centuries. As far as garden composition was concerned it reached excellence both in Italy, France, England and Germany. Initially there were three solutions observed in the area of the composition of water-based systems: swimming pools, waterfalls and fountains overflowing with water. Since 1600, a preference in aqueous systems was revealed for the use of a high column of water requiring special pressure equipment. The fountains were arranged in a pyramidal composition, similar to trees (“trees of life”). In the period water was supposed to be in constant motion. Fountains had a shaft on which tanks were suspended. They served the purpose of transmitting water to pour it. The fountain was supposed to be an architectural piece consisting of three parts which evolved into a slender form, with a high shaft and decorative sculptures. The main theme of sculptures-decorated fountains was the man, antique motives such as philosophers, as well as water, see and ocean deities – tritons and nymphs. The presence of the constructions emphasized the decorativeness and compositional significance of the successive places in the garden. XVIth century observed the fashion for water arts – an unaware person stepping or hand-touching a place or a detail could cause an abrupt gush of water, spraying yourself or people around. Water steps were constructed, too. They allowed to pass to the lower garden part, while water was flowing down in a stone trough. The Polish Renaissance garden art was characteristic for its symbolic presence of aesthetic elements and prevailing role of water as utility factor. The decorative elements were scarce. The real development of garden art was observed mainly around monasteries and castles. In the city of Oliwa there was an olive-tree-shaped fountain ejecting water from the fruits and tree leaves into a marble tank. The studies carried out within the framework of the study were conducted basing on the query of the obtained archive materials, iconography and the old plans, and on-sites visits of the selected groups of old architectural residential objects.
MLA | Dudkiewicz, Margot. "Układy wodne w założeniach ogrodowych epoki renesansu." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.3 (2014): #30. |
APA | Margot Dudkiewicz (2014). Układy wodne w założeniach ogrodowych epoki renesansu. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (3), #30 |
ISO 690 | DUDKIEWICZ, Margot. Układy wodne w założeniach ogrodowych epoki renesansu. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.3: #30. |
Margot Dudkiewicz
Katedra Roślin Ozdobnych i Architektury Krajobrazu
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
ul. Głęboka 28
20-612 Lublin