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Andrzej Kruczek, Witold Skrzypczak, Hubert Waligóra
Comparison of yielding of maize and sorghum grown with different methods by two ways of fertilization with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer

Sorghum from the right of high productive potential and large resistance on the water stress can make up the alternative plant for maize silage, especially in regions about the shortages of falls and large concentration of cattle breeding. The valuation of yielding of maize and sorghum by different ways of tillage of soil and sowing (the traditional tillage of the soil and sowing and direct sowing) and different methods of fertilization (traditional projective fertilization and starter fertilization together with sowing) was the aim of investigations. Field trials were conducted in 2008-2011 in Didactic-Experimental Station in Swadzim that belongs to the Poznań University of Life Sciences. It was shown that the direct sowing reduced the yields of fresh and dry mass both of the whole plants and stems, leaves and ears/panicles compared with the traditional sowing. The yield of both fresh and dry mass of the whole maize plants, as well as its vegetative components were significantly lower when compared with analogous sorghum yields. However, the generative organs (ears and panicles) fresh and dry mass yields were observed to be inverse.

Key words: maize, sorghum, yield, dry mass, ways of tillage of soil, ways of sowing, methods of fertilization
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For citation:

MLA Kruczek, Andrzej, et al. "Porównanie plonowania kukurydzy i sorga uprawianych różnymi metodami przy dwóch sposobach nawożenia nawozem azotowo-fosforowym." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.1 (2014): #12.
APA Andrzej Kruczek, Witold Skrzypczak, Hubert Waligóra (2014). Porównanie plonowania kukurydzy i sorga uprawianych różnymi metodami przy dwóch sposobach nawożenia nawozem azotowo-fosforowym. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (1), #12
ISO 690 KRUCZEK, Andrzej, SKRZYPCZAK, Witold, WALIGóRA, Hubert. Porównanie plonowania kukurydzy i sorga uprawianych różnymi metodami przy dwóch sposobach nawożenia nawozem azotowo-fosforowym. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.1: #12.
Corresponding address:
Andrzej Kruczek
Katedra Agronomii
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dojazd 11
60-632 Poznań
Accepted for print: 15.01.2014