This article presents the results of the field measurements conducted below sills Nos. 3 and 4 localized on the Warta River. In-situ investigations were made systematically (2006-2010) from the construction moment. On the basis of the results of the analysis the dynamics of the erosion process below the stabilization sills can be estimated, as well as the present changes of local scour geometry. Systematic field investigations of the local scour allow to specify the type of disaster, endangerment, i.e. the stability loss of the sill resulting from scour effect. Conditions of water flow in the trough brought about the longitudinal erosion below the dam which was limited by the construction of the stabilizing weirs. The threat existing in the process of further exploitation of the weir may be created by the coastal erosion which is observed on the right bank just below weir No. 3. Local erosion process occurred alongside with a systematic increase in the local scour maximum depth below weir No. 4, in 2006-2010. The conducted field research showed erosion formation of the right bank. The situation may pose another danger to the safety of weir No. 4 (km 479 +225).
MLA | Hämmerling, Mateusz, et al. "Badania zmian geometrii wybojów lokalnych poniżej progów stabilizujących na rzece Warcie." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.4 (2014): #59. |
APA | Mateusz Hämmerling, Michał Wierzbicki, Natalia Walczak, Paweł Zawadzki, Robert Mazur (2014). Badania zmian geometrii wybojów lokalnych poniżej progów stabilizujących na rzece Warcie. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (4), #59 |
ISO 690 | HäMMERLING, Mateusz, et al. Badania zmian geometrii wybojów lokalnych poniżej progów stabilizujących na rzece Warcie. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.4: #59. |
Mateusz Hämmerling
Katedra Inżynierii Wodnej i Sanitarnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94
60-649 Poznań