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Mariusz Rudy, Katarzyna Róg, Marian Gil, Elżbieta Głodek
Consumption of fish and fish products depending on the sex of consumers from podkarpackie province

The aim of the work was to study the frequency of consumption of fish and fish products depending on the sex of consumers from the podkarpackie province and learning their preferences in relation to the kind of consumed fish products. From the data analysis it results that among all respondents fresh and frozen fish are consumed mainly once in a week (40% of respondents) and once in a month (41%). When considering the frequency of consumption of fish products it can be found that the products are consumed most frequently once a week by both men and women, yet the latter consume them more frequently (44%). Fresh or frozen fish most frequently chosen by respondents was the pollock, consumed mainly by women. Women more often than men buy fish in special shops with this assortment or at marketplaces or stalls and they more often chose fresh fish, which proves a greater interest in and care for a healthy diet. Gustatory tastes are the most important and most often considered factor when buying fish and fish products. All consumers significantly prefer consumption of fried fish. However, despite concentration on fish prepared in that way, it is women who show greater interest than men in other ways of preparing fish.

Key words: nutritional preferences, consumers’ sex, fish and fish products
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For citation:

MLA Rudy, Mariusz, et al. "Consumption of fish and fish products depending on the sex of consumers from podkarpackie province." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.4 (2014): #52.
APA Mariusz Rudy, Katarzyna Róg, Marian Gil, Elżbieta Głodek (2014). Consumption of fish and fish products depending on the sex of consumers from podkarpackie province. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (4), #52
ISO 690 RUDY, Mariusz, et al. Consumption of fish and fish products depending on the sex of consumers from podkarpackie province. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.4: #52.
Corresponding address:
Mariusz Rudy
Katedra Przetwórstwa i Towaroznawstwa Rolniczego
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
ul. Zelwerowicza 4
bud. D9
35-601 Rzeszów

Accepted for print: 23.07.2014