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Marcin K. Dyderski, Anna K. Gdula, Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek
Vascular plants of newly created “Bogdanka I” and “Bogdanka II” ecological lands in Poznań

This paper presents results of study on the flora of ecological lands “Bogdanka I” and “Bogdanka II”, which covers 151.45 ha (“Bogdanka I”) and 7.63 ha (“Bogdanka II”). Both of them are located in the valley of Bogdanka River, in NW part of Poznań city (W Poland). The floristic investigation was conducted during two vegetation seasons: 2012 and 2013. In the studied area we found 445 species of vascular plants (in “Bogdanka I” – 436, in “Bogdanka II” – 203) from 258 genera and 84 families. The most of species are indigenous (79.1%). Domination of indigenous urbanophobic and urbanoneutral species, with low level of hemeroby, high share of species from seminatural plant communities of fertile deciduous forests, wet and fresh meadows and water and peatland plant communities, occurrence of 38 ancient woodland indicator species and many (137) rare and endangered in the city species proves the high floristic value of examined ecological lands. In the studied area occur 22.9% of all species endangered in Poznań, including 5 strictly protected and 11 partially protected species, and the stands of Galium odoratum unique in Poznań and Iris sibirica considered to be extinct.

Key words: vascular plants, flora of Poznań, Bogdanka River valley
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For citation:

MLA Dyderski, Marcin K., et al. "Rośliny naczyniowe nowo utworzonych użytków ekologicznych „Bogdanka I” i „Bogdanka II” w Poznaniu." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.4 (2014): #44.
APA Marcin K. Dyderski1, Anna K. Gdula1, Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek2 (2014). Rośliny naczyniowe nowo utworzonych użytków ekologicznych „Bogdanka I” i „Bogdanka II” w Poznaniu. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (4), #44
ISO 690 DYDERSKI, Marcin K., GDULA, Anna K., WROńSKA-PILAREK, Dorota. Rośliny naczyniowe nowo utworzonych użytków ekologicznych „Bogdanka I” i „Bogdanka II” w Poznaniu. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.4: #44.
Corresponding address:
Marcin K. Dyderski
Katedra Botaniki Leśnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 D
60-625 Poznań
Accepted for print: 17.06.2014