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Julita Reguła, Angelika Śmidowicz
Frequency of consumption of food products among individuals suffering from celiac disease, consuming gluten-free diet

The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of consumption of food groups among people consuming gluten-free diet. The study involved 25 people aged 30.8 ±9.9. The dietary habits and frequency of consumption were assessed using a questionnaire prepared for the study. The nutritional assessment based on anthropometric measurements was also performed. Analysis of the collected data showed that patients with celiac disease make a lot of diet mistakes, which can lead to quality and quantity deficiencies. An insufficient number of servings of gluten-free cereal products, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, legumes, nuts and seeds was found in relation to the recommendations consistent with the pyramid of healthy eating. The majority of patients more frequently consumed butter instead of vegetable fats. The frequency of meals consumption and their regularity was satisfactory. It was shown, that majority of patients had snacks between meals. The results suggest that nutritional education of patients with celiac disease is needed.

Key words: food products, celiac disease, nutritional assessment, dietary habits
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Reguła, Julita, and Angelika Śmidowicz. "Częstość spożycia produktów spożywczych przez osoby chore na celiakię stosujące dietę bezglutenową." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.2 (2014): #22.
APA Julita Reguła, Angelika Śmidowicz (2014). Częstość spożycia produktów spożywczych przez osoby chore na celiakię stosujące dietę bezglutenową. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (2), #22
ISO 690 REGUłA, Julita, ŚMIDOWICZ, Angelika. Częstość spożycia produktów spożywczych przez osoby chore na celiakię stosujące dietę bezglutenową. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.2: #22.
Corresponding address:
Julita Reguła
Katedra Higieny Żywienia Człowieka
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 31/33
60-624 Poznań
Accepted for print: 24.03.2014