The aim of the conducted studies was to determine the effect of different concentrations of manganese in nutrient solution on yielding of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cvs. ‘Alboney F1’ and ‘Emotion F1’ for optimization of the nutrition (experiment I) and to determine the threshold of tolerance of plants on the mentioned nutrient (experiment II). Plants were grown in rockwool using a nutrient solution with the differentiated contents of manganese (mg·dm-3): experiment I, 2008-2011 – control (0.06), 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 (described as Mn-0, Mn-0.3, Mn-0.6, Mn-1.2), experiment II, 2012 – 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 (described as Mn-2.4, Mn-4.8, Mn-9.6, Mn-19.2). For plant fertigation was used standard nutrient solution with the following chemical composition (mg·dm-3): N-NH4 – 2.2, N-NO3 – 230, P – 50, K – 430, Ca – 145, Mg – 65, Cl – 35, S-SO4 – 120, Fe – 2.48, Zn – 0.50, Cu – 0.07. pH value was 5.50, and EC – 3.00 mS·cm-1. The earliest symptoms of manganese poisoning plants were observed in case of Mn-19.2 – a month and a half after the beginning of the cultivation, and in the case of Mn-9.6 – after 2.5 months of exposure to the nutrient solution. Initial signs of plants poisoning applying manganese Mn-4.8 were observed after a 3-month use of the nutrient solution. To the level of Mn-1.2 there was
a significant effect of manganese on the tomatoes yield of class I, III, IV and VI. The variety affected the average yield of class I and V, only. The highest marketable fruit yield of ‘Alboney F1’ was obtained using nutrient solutions with manganese content of 0.3 and 0.6 mg·dm-3. In the case of ‘Emotion F1’ the yield by using Mn-0 and Mn-0.3 was significantly lower than in the case of Mn-0.6. In the application of the nutrient solution containing 1.2 mg Mn per 1 dm3 significant reducing of yielding was found while the plants were not observed for symptoms resulting from excessive manganese nutrition. In range of excessive and toxic concentrations (Mn 2.4–Mn-19.2) manganese significantly influenced the yield of II-VI classes, while variety – of the I, III, IV-VI classes.
MLA | Kleiber, Tomasz. "Wpływ manganu na plonowanie pomidora (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) uprawianego w wełnie mineralnej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.2 (2014): #14. |
APA | Tomasz Kleiber (2014). Wpływ manganu na plonowanie pomidora (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) uprawianego w wełnie mineralnej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (2), #14 |
ISO 690 | KLEIBER, Tomasz. Wpływ manganu na plonowanie pomidora (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) uprawianego w wełnie mineralnej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.2: #14. |
Tomasz Kleiber
Katedra Żywienia Roślin
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Zgorzelecka 4
60-198 Poznań