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Andrzej Kruczek, Witold Skrzypczak, Hubert Waligóra
Reaction of sorghum to diverse plant density and rows distance in dependence on sowing terms

The aim of the study was qualification of optimum plants density on the unit of area and distance of rows for two terms of sowing of sorghum. Field trials were conducted in 2008-2011 in Didactic-Experimental Station in Swadzim that belongs to the Poznań University of Life Sciences. It was shown that sowing of sorghum in III decade of May enlarged the plants density on 1 m2 in comparison to the sowing about two weeks earlier. Enlarging the distance of rows from 30 to 90 cm effectively and gradually limited the number of plants per area unit. The fresh and dry mass yields of whole plants of sorghum and stems, leaves and panicles increased in measure of enlarging the density of sowing from 15 to 25 seeds per 1 m2 and in measure of reducing the distance between rows of plants from 90 to 30 cm. The sowing term of sorghum did not influence fresh and dry mass yields of plants and their components.

Key words: sorghum, yield, term of sowing, sowing density, distance of rows, method of fertilization
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Kruczek, Andrzej, et al. "Reakcja sorga na zróżnicowaną obsadę roślin i rozstawę rzędów w zależności od terminu siewu." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.1 (2014): #13.
APA Andrzej Kruczek, Witold Skrzypczak, Hubert Waligóra (2014). Reakcja sorga na zróżnicowaną obsadę roślin i rozstawę rzędów w zależności od terminu siewu. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (1), #13
ISO 690 KRUCZEK, Andrzej, SKRZYPCZAK, Witold, WALIGóRA, Hubert. Reakcja sorga na zróżnicowaną obsadę roślin i rozstawę rzędów w zależności od terminu siewu. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.1: #13.
Corresponding address:
Andrzej Kruczek
Katedra Agronomii
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dojazd 11
60-632 Poznań

Accepted for print: 15.01.2014