The aim of the research was to provide a report of areas, in which yield variability of winter wheat is similar in each experiment centre using factor analysis method. Yield variability of 11 winter wheat cultivars was analysed. They were gained from Post-registration Variety Testing System (PDO) experiments in the Lower Silesia region in 2004-2006. Among all PDO experiments, eight regions were chosen, in which soil conditions were diversified. Factor analysis method enabled to divide experimental sites into three groups, among which winter wheat yield variability was different. One group included Naroczyce, Tomaszów and Pawłowice experiment stations, whereas the second was formed of Kobierzyce, Zybiszów, Tarnów and Krościna experiment stations. Jelcz-Laskowice experiment station formed another, individual microregion in terms of winter wheat yield variability. Winter wheat yield variability during the analysed years was considerably dependent on soil and climatic conditions during the vegetation period.
MLA | Weber, Ryszard, et al. "Analiza czynnikowa plonowania odmian pszenicy ozimej w doświadczeniach Porejestrowego Doświadczalnictwa Odmianowego (PDO) na Dolnym Śląsku." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8.1 (2014): #10. |
APA | Ryszard Weber1, Henryk Bujak2, Dariusz Zalewski2, Ludwik Kotowicz3, Tomasz Sekutowski1 (2014). Analiza czynnikowa plonowania odmian pszenicy ozimej w doświadczeniach Porejestrowego Doświadczalnictwa Odmianowego (PDO) na Dolnym Śląsku. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 8 (1), #10 |
ISO 690 | WEBER, Ryszard, et al. Analiza czynnikowa plonowania odmian pszenicy ozimej w doświadczeniach Porejestrowego Doświadczalnictwa Odmianowego (PDO) na Dolnym Śląsku. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2014, 8.1: #10. |
Ryszard Weber
Zakład Herbologii i Technik Uprawy Roli we Wrocławiu
Instytut Uprawy
Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach
ul. Orzechowa 61
50-540 Wrocław