The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the duration of different phases of development and yield and the precipitation and temperature for the selected varieties of sweet corn. The experiment was conducted in the period 2009 to 2011 at the Experimental-Didactic Station Gorzyń with a branch in Swadzim. During the growth of plants precipitation and temperature data were collected. After reaching milk maturity, yield was collected and cobs were identified. Then the length of different phases of development was calculated. The statistical analysis was done with Statistica 10 programm. On the basis of the studies the significant effect was found of precipitation and temperature on the growth and yield of tested sweet corn varieties. During sowing – fifth-sixth leaf stage, sowing – panicles, sowing – milk maturity more important role was played by precipitation. Yield and the length of period sowing – emergence depend as much on precipitation and temperature. Of the eight tested varieties ‘Basin’, ‘Sweet Nugget’ and ‘Overland’ yielded best, while ‘Naziha’ – worst.
MLA | Waligóra, Hubert, et al. "Wpływ przebiegu warunków atmosferycznych na wzrost i plonowanie wybranych odmian kukurydzy cukrowej (Zea mays ssp. saccharata)." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7.1 (2013): #10. |
APA | Hubert Waligóra1, Anna Weber1, Witold Skrzypczak1, Eugeniusz Chwastek2 (2013). Wpływ przebiegu warunków atmosferycznych na wzrost i plonowanie wybranych odmian kukurydzy cukrowej (Zea mays ssp. saccharata). Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7 (1), #10 |
ISO 690 | WALIGóRA, Hubert, et al. Wpływ przebiegu warunków atmosferycznych na wzrost i plonowanie wybranych odmian kukurydzy cukrowej (Zea mays ssp. saccharata). Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2013, 7.1: #10. |
Hubert Waligóra
Katedra Agronomii
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dojazd 11
60-632 Poznań