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Michał Kozłowski, Jolanta Komisarek
Deficiencies of readily plant available water in Gleyic Chernozems (Pachic)

The study presents the results of research on the deficiencies of water content in the Gleyic Chernozems (Pachic) of the central part of Wielkopolska during 2009-2011. The objective was to determine the soil water deficiencies in relation to the lower limit of plant available water (LLPAW) calculated at matric potential of –31 kPa (LLPAW31), –49 kPa (LLPAW49), –59 kPa (LLPAW59) and –88 kPa (LLPAW88). The research results indicate that the crop water deficiency and the depth of soil drying up were strongly determined mainly by the rainfall. During periods of vegetation the strongest and the deepest drying up was observed in 2011. In this vegetative period in the Gleyic Chernozems (Pachic) to depth of about 40-45 cm the soil matric potential of –59 kPa was observed. The highest soil water deficiencies from the third decade of May to the second decade of July were observed. These deficiencies in 50 cm thickness were 7 mm, 17 mm, 21 mm and 34 mm, in relation to LLPAW88, LLPAW59, LLPAW49 and LLPAW31. Considering the 30 cm soil thickness the water deficiencies were noted from the third decade of April to the second decade of July. In the analysed Chernozems the calculated average soil matric potential depth equal to the field capacity was about 50 cm in 2011, whereas in 2009 and 2010 – 35 and 45 cm, respectively.

Key words: Chernozems, water deficiencies, soil water matric potential
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Kozłowski, Michał, and Jolanta Komisarek. "Niedobory wody łatwo dostępnej dla roślin w czarnej ziemi z poziomem cambic." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7.4 (2013): #54.
APA Michał Kozłowski, Jolanta Komisarek (2013). Niedobory wody łatwo dostępnej dla roślin w czarnej ziemi z poziomem cambic. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7 (4), #54
ISO 690 KOZłOWSKI, Michał, KOMISAREK, Jolanta. Niedobory wody łatwo dostępnej dla roślin w czarnej ziemi z poziomem cambic. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2013, 7.4: #54.
Corresponding address:
Michał Kozłowski
Katedra Gleboznawstwa i Rekultywacji
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94
61-691 Poznań
Accepted for print: 25.09.2013