Nauka Przyroda Technologie

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Romualda Danków, Jan Pikul, Joanna Teichert, Natalia Osten-Sacken
Characteristics and properties of koumiss

Koumiss is a traditional fermented dairy drink produced mainly from mare’s milk. It is produced by combined lactic and alcoholic fermentation. It is characterised by a slightly acid taste with a perceptible yeast after-taste. It has a pleasant, aromatic, slightly acid aroma and fine-grained consistence. This drink has a high nutritive value, as well as beneficial dietary and health-promoting properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of mare’s milk as a raw material and to produce koumiss and analyse its properties over a 21-day cold storage. Results of analyses indicate very high hygienic quality of mare’s milk. The basic composition is similar to that reported in literature sources. During the storage period pH in koumiss decreased by 6%, while curd hardness and consistency increased by 3.2% and 2%, respectively, at a reduction of cohesiveness and viscosity by approximately 20%. A willow green tone appeared. Lactic acid content increased by 14.5%, while that of ethanol increased by approximately 50%. Sensory analysis showed that taste was becoming increasingly acid, tangy and consistency was becoming slightly looser.

Key words: koumiss, colour, texture, sensory examination, lactic acid, alcohol
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For citation:

MLA Danków, Romualda, et al. "Charakterystyka i właściwości kumysu." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7.3 (2013): #35.
APA Romualda Danków1, Jan Pikul1, Joanna Teichert1, Natalia Osten-Sacken2 (2013). Charakterystyka i właściwości kumysu. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7 (3), #35
ISO 690 DANKóW, Romualda, et al. Charakterystyka i właściwości kumysu. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2013, 7.3: #35.
Corresponding address:
Romualda Danków
Katedra Technologii Mleczarstwa
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 31/33
60-624 Poznań
Accepted for print: 3.06.2013