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Beata Janowska, Agnieszka Kupska, Iwona Rossa
Effect of metconazole on post-harvest longevity of tulips (Tulipa sp.)

Tulips were conditioned for 4 h in room at temperature of 18-20°C and/or 24 h in cool room of 5°C in water solution of metconazole in Caramba 6- SL at concentrations of 300, 600 and 900 mg∙dm-3. The post-harvest longevity of ‘Strong Gold’ and ‘Foxtrot’ increased after conditioning in metconazole at concentrations of 300-900 mg∙dm-3 for 4 and 24 h. Metconazole used in mentioned concentrations did not inhibit the elongation of stems and upper internodes of stickled cultivars. Conditioning for 4 and 24 h in metconazole at concentrations 300-900 mg∙dm-3 stimulated the elongation of petals in ‘Strong Gold’. Regardless of conditioning time metconazole affected higher leaf greenness index value of the studied cultivars.


Key words: tulip, conditioning, Caramba 60 SL, post-harvest longevity
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For citation:

MLA Janowska, Beata, et al. "Wpływ metkonazolu na trwałość pozbiorczą tulipanów (Tulipa sp.)." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7.1 (2013): #5.
APA Beata Janowska, Agnieszka Kupska, Iwona Rossa (2013). Wpływ metkonazolu na trwałość pozbiorczą tulipanów (Tulipa sp.). Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7 (1), #5
ISO 690 JANOWSKA, Beata, KUPSKA, Agnieszka, ROSSA, Iwona. Wpływ metkonazolu na trwałość pozbiorczą tulipanów (Tulipa sp.). Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2013, 7.1: #5.
Corresponding address:
Beata Janowska
Katedra Roślin Ozdobnych
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dąbrowskiego 159
60-594 Poznań
Accepted for print: 25.10.2012