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Kinga Matysiak, Sylwia Kaczmarek, Przemysław Kardasz
Influence of trinexapac-ethyl on yield and quality parameters of sugar beet roots

Trinexapac-ethyl is a plant growth regulator commonly used to protect cereals before lodging. Scientific studies confirm the beneficial effect of this substance on plant root system, which is especially important for plants susceptible to stress conditions. The present field trials were conducted in split-split plot design at the Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute in Poznań during 2008-2010. The objective was to describe the influence of trinexapac-ethyl on yield and quality of sugar beet crop in relation to the term of application. Trinexapac-ethyl was used at a dose of 0.3 l/ha in two growing stages of sugar beet: BBCH 12 and BBCH 15. Results revealed that the effect of tested plant growth regulator on sugar beet plants was significantly affected by weather conditions. Trinexapac-ethyl enhanced root yield, as well as chlorophyll content and white sugar content. In all the experimental years decrease of alkalinity coefficient value was observed.

Key words: trinexapac-ethyl, sugar beet, chlorophyll, yield, sugar content, alkalinity coefficient
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For citation:

MLA Matysiak, Kinga, et al. "Wpływ trineksapaku etylu na plon i parametry jakościowe korzeni buraka cukrowego." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7.1 (2013): #3.
APA Kinga Matysiak1, Sylwia Kaczmarek1, Przemysław Kardasz2 (2013). Wpływ trineksapaku etylu na plon i parametry jakościowe korzeni buraka cukrowego. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7 (1), #3
ISO 690 MATYSIAK, Kinga, KACZMAREK, Sylwia, KARDASZ, Przemysław. Wpływ trineksapaku etylu na plon i parametry jakościowe korzeni buraka cukrowego. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2013, 7.1: #3.
Corresponding address:
Kinga Matysiak
Zakład Herbologii i Techniki Ochrony Roślin
Instytut Ochrony Roślin – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Poznaniu
ul. Węgorka 20
60-318 Poznań
Accepted for print: 10.10.2012