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Ryszard Weber
Influence of tillage system and stubble height on grain properties of selected winter wheat cultivars

The objective of the present research was an analysis of elementary grain quality properties of selected winter wheat varieties, dependently on tillage systems (conventional, reduced – ploughless and direct sowing) and stubble height. It was carried out during 2009-2010 in Agricultural Experimental Station belonging to Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, localized in Jelcz-Laskowice, on a good rye complex. Crop residue was minced into chopped straw and equally spreaded on field with high stubble as well as short stubble. Grain samples were subjected laboratory analysis to evaluate: wet gluten content, falling number, sedimentation index, total protein content, weight of hectolitre and seed grading. Reduced tillage systems only slightly influenced the grain quality of the examined wheat varieties. Sedimentation index was lower only under direct sowing regime than at objects with conventional and reduced tillage. Conventional tillage favours higher falling number of the tested cultivars in comparison with reduced tillage methods. The examined cultivars were distinguished by comparable grain quality parameters under both high and short stubble. High temperature and balanced rainfall during vegetation season contributed low total protein content, gluten and sedimentation index in grain of the tested varieties. Variety ‘Legenda’ was characterised by somewhat better index of grain technological value than other varieties.

Key words: tillage systems, winter wheat, cultivars, grain quality properties
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For citation:

MLA Weber, Ryszard. "Wpływ sposobu uprawy roli i wysokości ścierni na cechy jakościowe ziarna wybranych odmian pszenicy ozimej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7.1 (2013): #18.
APA Ryszard Weber (2013). Wpływ sposobu uprawy roli i wysokości ścierni na cechy jakościowe ziarna wybranych odmian pszenicy ozimej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7 (1), #18
ISO 690 WEBER, Ryszard. Wpływ sposobu uprawy roli i wysokości ścierni na cechy jakościowe ziarna wybranych odmian pszenicy ozimej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2013, 7.1: #18.
Corresponding address:
Ryszard Weber
Zakład Herbologii i Technik Uprawy Roli we Wrocławiu
Instytut Uprawy
Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach
ul. Orzechowa 61
50-540 Wrocław
Accepted for print: 15.01.2013