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Renata Graf, Ireneusz Kajewski
Forming of the water balance elements in the Mogilnica catchment on the basis of simulating investigations

In this study, a spatially distributed water balance model WetSpass was used to simulate long-term average annual and seasonal recharge of groundwater, surface runoff and actual evapotranspiration in the Mogilnica catchment, the Wielkopolska Lowland (western Poland). It is a region with the lowest precipitation and runoff in Poland. The simulated hydrological variables in the Mogilnica catchment are made on raster model (xy = 0.0625 km2). A GIS based, WetSpass is a model: Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plants and Atmosphere under quasi-Steady State. For water balance components estimations should be carried out concerning the meteorological conditions (precitipation, air temperature, wind speed, potential evapotranspiration), groundwater level and distributed topography, soil texture and land-use. In the Mogilnica catchment the long-term temporal and spatial average annual precipitation of 538 mm was distributed as: recharge of groundwater of 84 mm (15%), surface runoff of 31 mm (6%) and actual evapotranspiration of 425 mm (79%). Sustainable groundwater management and protection requires knowledge of spatial variation in water balance elements.

Key words: water balance, catchment, modeling, GIS
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For citation:

MLA Graf, Renata, and Ireneusz Kajewski. "Kształtowanie się elementów bilansu wodnego w zlewni Mogilnicy na podstawie badań symulacyjnych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7.1 (2013): #1.
APA Renata Graf1, Ireneusz Kajewski2 (2013). Kształtowanie się elementów bilansu wodnego w zlewni Mogilnicy na podstawie badań symulacyjnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 7 (1), #1
ISO 690 GRAF, Renata, KAJEWSKI, Ireneusz. Kształtowanie się elementów bilansu wodnego w zlewni Mogilnicy na podstawie badań symulacyjnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2013, 7.1: #1.
Corresponding address:
Renata Graf

Accepted for print: 9.10.2012