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Małgorzata Tańska, Daniela Rotkiewicz, Anna Urbalewicz
Characteristics of post-frying fats in terms of usefulness for biodiesel production

In the work quality of 13 post-frying fats from catering points was established, in terms of their usefulness for biodiesel production. The materials were two samples recommended as rapeseed fats and 11 samples recommended as palm fats, mainly after frying of French fries.
In fats the following were determined: fatty acid composition, content of compounds influencing the conduct of transesterification and characteristics of biodiesel, i.e. fatty acids, primary and secondary oxidation products, polar compounds and water. It has been demonstrated that most of the fats contain > 0.5% FFA, including one fat > 3.0% FFA, i.e. the limits fixed by the various authors/producers for the raw material destined to transesterification with alkaline catalysis. Most of the fats contain > 20% polar compounds and almost all fats contain a lot of secondary oxidation products. The results indicate that most post-frying fats should be cleaned before their processing for biodiesel.


Key words: post-frying fats, free fatty acids, oxidation products, polar compounds
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For citation:

MLA Tańska, Małgorzata, et al. "Charakterystyka tłuszczów posmażalniczych w aspekcie przydatności do produkcji biodiesla." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.4 (2012): #63.
APA Małgorzata Tańska1, Daniela Rotkiewicz1, Anna Urbalewicz2 (2012). Charakterystyka tłuszczów posmażalniczych w aspekcie przydatności do produkcji biodiesla. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (4), #63
ISO 690 TAńSKA, Małgorzata, ROTKIEWICZ, Daniela, URBALEWICZ, Anna. Charakterystyka tłuszczów posmażalniczych w aspekcie przydatności do produkcji biodiesla. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.4: #63.
Corresponding address:
Małgorzata Tańska
Katedra Przetwórstwa i Chemii Surowców Roślinnych
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
pl. Cieszyński 1
10-957 Olsztyn
e-mail: m.tanska@uwm.
Accepted for print: 29.05.2012