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Jolanta Dąbrowska, Joanna Markowska
Influence of the pre-reservoir on the quality of waters retained in the Mściwojów reservoir

This study presents results of the research concerning the influence of the pre-reservoir on changes in values of selected physical and chemical parameters of the waters of Wierzbiak and Zimnik supplied to the dam reservoir in Mściwojów. The actual reservoir is preceded by a pre-reservoir divided by three biological barriers, to which water is supplied through a tripartite sedimentation tank. The pre-reservoir is where water treatment processes take place. The analyses of selected physical and chemical parameters were conducted from the 13th of May, 2008 till the 1st of May, 2009, except for the period from mid-December 2008 till the end of February 2009 – during that period both the reservoir and its tributaries were covered with a thick layer of ice. Samples of water were collected in three tested cross-sections. The concentrations of nitrates and phosphates were determined; conductivity and temperature, as well as pH were measured directly in the field. Additionally, the results of field studies, laboratory tests and the inventory of the catchment conducted in 1999-2011 were discussed. Statistical analysis of the data was conducted with use of Statistica 9.1. software. Normal distribution was analysed with use of the Shapiro-Wilk test. In order to evaluate the significance of differences the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used. The research has shown that the water treatment process in the pre-reservoir leads to a decrease in conductivity and concentration of nitrates. The activity of the pre-reservoir did not protect the waters retained in the Mściwojów reservoir from the disadvantageous blooming of cyanobacteria. In the study area a significant role in the pollution of surface waters is played by poor water and wastewater management in the catchment, non-point pollution from agricultural sources and lack of correct development of the areas adjacent to the reservoir. During over 10 years of exploitation, a layer of bottom sediments has formed in the pre-reservoir, and the population and composition of plant species has changed. In comparison to the research conducted in 2000-2001 a higher reduction in nitrate concentrations was observed, while the reduction in phosphate concentration was lower.


Key words: pre-reservoirs, surface waters quality, water quality protection
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Dąbrowska, Jolanta, and Joanna Markowska. "Jolanta Dąbrowska, Joanna Markowska." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.2 (2012): #37.
APA Jolanta Dąbrowska, Joanna Markowska (2012). Jolanta Dąbrowska, Joanna Markowska. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (2), #37
ISO 690 DąBROWSKA, Jolanta, MARKOWSKA, Joanna. Jolanta Dąbrowska, Joanna Markowska. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.2: #37.
Corresponding address:
Jolanta Dąbrowska
Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
pl. Grunwaldzki 24
50-363 Wrocław
Accepted for print: 20.01.2012