The influence of cellulose crystalline structure occurrence on effectiveness of the commercial cellulolytic enzyme preparations for the hydrolysis of sulphate (Kraft) cellulose was investigated. In the first step, efficiency of the process catalysed by the cellulase from Aspergillus sp., as well as from Trichoderma reesei ATCC 26921, was compared. The effect of the addition of the β-glucosidase (Novozym 188) on the conversion of the substrate was also investigated.
It was found that cellulase from T. reesei ATCC 26921 is significantly more effective than cellulase from Aspergillus sp. The highest conversion was obtained by the use of 0.075 ml/g d.m. of cellulase from T. reesei and 0.025 ml/g d.m. of β-glucosidase from A. niger. X-ray diffraction experiment proved that the residue after enzymatic hydrolysis reveals higher crystallinity than the raw material. This fact indicates greater ability to hydrolysis of amorphous fraction of cellulose by used cellulases.
MLA | Białachowski, Radosław, et al. "Wpływ fazy krystalicznej celulozy siarczanowej na proces hydrolizy enzymatycznej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.2 (2012): #29. |
APA | Radosław Białachowski1, Dominik Paukszta2, Grażyna Lewandowicz1 (2012). Wpływ fazy krystalicznej celulozy siarczanowej na proces hydrolizy enzymatycznej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (2), #29 |
ISO 690 | BIAłACHOWSKI, Radosław, PAUKSZTA, Dominik, LEWANDOWICZ, Grażyna. Wpływ fazy krystalicznej celulozy siarczanowej na proces hydrolizy enzymatycznej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.2: #29. |
Radosław Białachowski
Katedra Biotechnologii i Mikrobiologii Żywności
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 48
60-627 Poznań
e-mail: rbialach@up.po¬znan.p