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Małgorzata Zalewska, Małgorzata Antkowiak, Alicja Tymoszuk
Micropropagation of Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries with single-node method

Ajania is closely related to the chrysanthemum, and may become an interesting alternative for it, the more that the cultivation of both species can be carried out simultaneously. The present study investigated the efficiency of micropropagation of three cultivars of Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries: ‘Bea’, ‘Bess’, ‘Silver and Gold’. The plants were propagated in vitro with single-node method on the modified MS medium without growth regulators. In all the three cultivars there was observed a similar propagation coefficient. After eight weeks of culture there were produced about 10 microcuttings from a single shoot. ‘Silver and Gold’ produced definitely shorter internodes than ‘Bea’ and ‘Bess’.


Key words: Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries, in vitro, single-node method
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For citation:

MLA Zalewska, Małgorzata, et al. "Micropropagation of Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries with single-node method." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.1 (2012): #10.
APA Małgorzata Zalewska, Małgorzata Antkowiak, Alicja Tymoszuk (2012). Micropropagation of Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries with single-node method. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (1), #10
ISO 690 ZALEWSKA, Małgorzata, ANTKOWIAK, Małgorzata, TYMOSZUK, Alicja. Micropropagation of Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries with single-node method. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.1: #10.
Corresponding address:
Małgorzata Zalewska
Katedra Roślin Ozdobnych i Warzywnych
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy
ul. Bernardyńska 6/8
85-029 Bydgoszcz

Accepted for print: 27.07.2011