Wood logs were harvested with chain-saws in two technological variants: on an orderly laid-out and on a disorderly laid-out clear-cut areas. The wood was extracted with a forwarder, and a thorough time study of wood loading was conducted. The disorderly laid-out clear-cut area showed longer wood loading average times, which proved statistically significant. It was caused by longer gripping times of the crane, longer times needed to fold the crane on the tractor frame and longer machine moving times (for the operations of gripping and folding the differences were statistically significant). The orderly laid-out clear-cut showed longer times for the operations of reaching out with the crane and for bringing it back (in the latter case the differences were statistically significant). The time used for bringing the crane back dominated among wood loading time components on the orderly laid-out clear-cut area, while in the case of the disorderly laid-out clear-cut area the dominant time component was wood gripping. The average time shares for reaching out with the crane, gripping the wood and moving the crane back were significantly different. The time shares for reaching out with the crane and for moving it back showed lower values on the disorderly laid-out clear-cut, while the time proportion of wood gripping was lower on the orderly laid-out clear-cut.

MLA | Stempski, Włodzimierz. "Wpływ sposobu przygotowania drewna na czas formowania ładunku forwarderem." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.4 (2012): #75. |
APA | Włodzimierz Stempski (2012). Wpływ sposobu przygotowania drewna na czas formowania ładunku forwarderem. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (4), #75 |
ISO 690 | STEMPSKI, Włodzimierz. Wpływ sposobu przygotowania drewna na czas formowania ładunku forwarderem. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.4: #75. |
Włodzimierz Stempski
Katedra Techniki Leśnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 C
60-625 Poznań
e-mail: stempski@up.poznan.pl