Lobelia lakes are the ecosystems which needs special attention due to their specific and unique character. There are about 170 lobelia lakes in Poland. Increased degradation of this kind of lakes has been observed recently. To prevent degradation of the lobelia lakes it is necessary to introduce proper standards which bring limitation of anthropopression of these very valuable natural reservoirs. The aim of the research was to determine and compare the contents of lithophilus elements (Mg, Ca and Fe) in bottom sediments from selected lobelia lakes. The lake sediments were sampled during summer stagnation in the surface layer of the thickness of about to 20 cm. The samples were collected at two stands: (i) in the littoral zone and (ii) at the maximum depth of the basin. The investigated sediments were characterised with the low concentration of Ca, Mg, Fe. The total mean concentration of the metals was Fe > Mg > Ca (11 136 > 1.626 > 0.798 g·kg-1). In the lakes characterised with big depth in relationship to their surface (a big slope) substantial differences in properties of the bottom sediments in the litoral zone and profundal zone were observed. In the lakes of small depth the substantial differences in the properties of the investigated bottom sediments were not observed in the whole basin. The obtained differences in chemical properties of the investigated sediments result from individual characteristics of each lake such as: geological structure, character and use of the basin, as well as thermal conditions and mixing of the lake waters or its degree of oxidation.

MLA | Mielnik, Lilla, and Jacek Czekała. "Occurrence of calcium, magnesium and iron in bottom sediments of lobelia lakes." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.3 (2012): #46. |
APA | Lilla Mielnik1, Jacek Czekała2 (2012). Occurrence of calcium, magnesium and iron in bottom sediments of lobelia lakes. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (3), #46 |
ISO 690 | MIELNIK, Lilla, CZEKAłA, Jacek. Occurrence of calcium, magnesium and iron in bottom sediments of lobelia lakes. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.3: #46. |
Lilla Mielnik
Katedra Fizyki i Agrofizyki
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
ul. Pawła VI 3
71-459 Szczecin
e-mail: lilla.mielnik@zut.edu.pl