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Magdalena Pieszka, Jarosław Łuszczyński, Katarzyna Gruza
Evaluation of sire and dam lines of Polish bred Arabian horses on the base of their show successes

Polish bred Arabian horses are very well known all over the world for their spectacular show and breeding successes. The aim of this study was to evaluate sire and dam lines of Polish Arabian horses on the base of their show successes in championships of a different range. The study was carried out on information concerning 278 Polish bred (national and private) Arabian horses winning as champion or vice-champion in regional, national, international, European, All Nations Cup and World Championships between 1997 and 2010. Results of the study showed a spectacular domination of Saklawi I and Kuhailan Haifi sire lines and Milordka dam line among Polish Arabian horses winning championships all over the world. These lines were the most numerous, the highest scoring and with the highest points score for one horse. These results can help breeders to plan the breeding program for show horses based on the best sires descending from the mentioned above sire and dam lines.

Key words: Arabian horses, sire and dam lines, show successes
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For citation:

MLA Pieszka, Magdalena, et al. "Evaluation of sire and dam lines of Polish bred Arabian horses on the base of their show successes." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.3 (2012): #41.
APA Magdalena Pieszka, Jarosław Łuszczyński, Katarzyna Gruza (2012). Evaluation of sire and dam lines of Polish bred Arabian horses on the base of their show successes. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (3), #41
ISO 690 PIESZKA, Magdalena, ŁUSZCZYńSKI, Jarosław, GRUZA, Katarzyna. Evaluation of sire and dam lines of Polish bred Arabian horses on the base of their show successes. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.3: #41.
Corresponding address:
Magdalena Pieszka
Katedra Hodowli Koni
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
Al. Mickiewicza 24/28
30-159 Kraków
Accepted for print: 23.01.2012