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Ryszard Staniszewski, Szymon Jusik, Jerzy Kupiec
Variability of taxonomic structure of macrophytes according to major morphological modifications of lowland and upland rivers with different water trophy

The surveys made on 80 river sites in Ecoregion 14 (Poland) were undertaken in years 2006-2008 to determine influence of river modifications and water trophy on variability of taxonomic structure of macrophyte taxa. Field surveys were conducted using widely accepted methods such as the River Habitat Survey and Mean Trophic Rank, supplemented by physico-chemi­cal analyses of water and hydrochemical index for evaluation of trophic level. Obtained results showed, that there are significant differences between lowland and upland river sites according to the rate of channel modifications, concentration of trophic parameters and thus between aquatic macrophyte structure. The variability of taxonomic structure of aquatic macrophytes was found according to site altitude, rate of modifications and water quality parameters. It was found, that in case of lowland rivers the simultaneous influence of modifications and water trophy can affect taxonomic structure stronger than in upland sites, where level of kinetic energy of water flow plays the most important role.

Key words: macrophytes, river modifications, phosphorus, trophic state, Kujawskie Lakeland, Sudety Mountains
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For citation:

MLA Staniszewski, Ryszard, et al. "Variability of taxonomic structure of macrophytes according to major morphological modifications of lowland and upland rivers with different water trophy." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.2 (2012): #22.
APA Ryszard Staniszewski, Szymon Jusik, Jerzy Kupiec (2012). Variability of taxonomic structure of macrophytes according to major morphological modifications of lowland and upland rivers with different water trophy. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (2), #22
ISO 690 STANISZEWSKI, Ryszard, JUSIK, Szymon, KUPIEC, Jerzy. Variability of taxonomic structure of macrophytes according to major morphological modifications of lowland and upland rivers with different water trophy. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.2: #22.
Corresponding address:
Ryszard Staniszewski
Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94 C
60-649 Poznań
Accepted for print: 2.12.2011