Nauka Przyroda Technologie

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Ewa Trzaskowska
Use of synantropic plants in the landscaping and green areas – new trends in design

For a long time mainly phytosociologists and botanists were interested in synantropic vegetation. Only occasionally the aesthetic aspects and indispensability of the vegetation’s preservation in cities were discussed. The commonly observed urban environmental crisis turned human attention to the vegetation in focus and the urgent problem of its inclusion in open-system spaces. Environmental art was a trend which appeared in 50’s of the XXth century. It utilized the vegetation in garden premises. Presently, the plants are used in new-tech naturalistic gardens, socalled wild gardens. The paper presents various trends and possibilities of utilizing synantropic plants in landscaping and green areas design.

Key words: nature parks, turf/meadow grassland, extensive green roofs
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Trzaskowska, Ewa. "Zastosowanie roślinności synantropijnej w kształtowaniu terenów zieleni miast – nowe nurty w projektowaniu." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.2 (2012): #20.
APA Ewa Trzaskowska (2012). Zastosowanie roślinności synantropijnej w kształtowaniu terenów zieleni miast – nowe nurty w projektowaniu. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (2), #20
ISO 690 TRZASKOWSKA, Ewa. Zastosowanie roślinności synantropijnej w kształtowaniu terenów zieleni miast – nowe nurty w projektowaniu. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.2: #20.
Corresponding address:
Ewa Trzaskowska
Katedra Kształtowania Krajobrazu
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie
ul. Konstantynów 1 H
20-950 Lublin
Accepted for print: 8.11.2011