The scope of the research described in this paper is to classify groundwater level depth patterns on forest fresh sites. The approach has been employed with the view to facilitate explaining interactions between physiographic characteristics and groundwater dynamics. The methods, which have been employed so far, for explanation of groundwater level dynamics interactions with local physiographic conditions, do not allow to draw firm conclusions. The classification of groundwater dynamics patterns requires employing more sophisticated methods, because of relatively extensive range of groundwater dynamics variability site-to-site expressed e.g. by amplitude and cycle period. The methods of groundwater patterns classification proposed in literature based either hydrogeological attitude or, if related to forest ecosystems, focused on water balance elements. The area selected for the investigation represented typical features for the Northern European Lowland forests defined by soil and form of terrain pattern shaped by the last glacial period (Vistulian glaciation) and dominant share of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in stand species composition. The research period covered the 2002-2007 hydrological years. The measurement used in analysis covered 35 sites equipped with measurement wells.
MLA | Okoński, Bernard, et al. "Towards classification of groundwater level depth patterns on forest fresh sites." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6.1 (2012): #6. |
APA | Bernard Okoński1, Sylwester Grajewski1, Dariusz Kayzer2 (2012). Towards classification of groundwater level depth patterns on forest fresh sites. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 6 (1), #6 |
ISO 690 | OKOńSKI, Bernard, GRAJEWSKI, Sylwester, KAYZER, Dariusz. Towards classification of groundwater level depth patterns on forest fresh sites. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2012, 6.1: #6. |
Bernard Okoński
Katedra Inżynierii Leśnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Mazowiecka 41
60-623 Poznań