The aim of this work was to estimate the breed influence on composition of mare milk. Milk samples in amount about 100 ml were collected from similar aged mares of four breeds: wielkopolski (9 mares), cold-blood (10), Polish konik (10) and hucul (11) between 80 and 90 day of lactation. Milk samples obtained by manual milking were weighted for density calculation and homogenized with Ultra Turrax T-25 apparatus and then analyzed with FTIR – MilkoScan FT 120 apparatus for chemical composition. Obtained results were statistically analyzed using ANOVA one-factor variance and Tukey’s test. It could be concluded that breed affects the composition of mare milk, especially protein, fat and lactose level. Cold-blood mares were characterized by producing milk with the lowest level of dry matter, fat and free fatty acids. Polish konik mares produced milk with highest level of dry matter, fat, lactose and urea. The protein richest milk was produced by hucul mares.
MLA | Pieszka, Magdalena, et al. "Comparison of mare’s milk composition of different breeds ." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.6 (2011): #112. |
APA | Magdalena Pieszka, Jarosław Łuszczyński, Anna Szeptalin (2011). Comparison of mare’s milk composition of different breeds . Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (6), #112 |
ISO 690 | PIESZKA, Magdalena, ŁUSZCZYńSKI, Jarosław, SZEPTALIN, Anna. Comparison of mare’s milk composition of different breeds . Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.6: #112. |
Magdalena Pieszka
Katedra Hodowli Koni
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
Al. Mickiewicza 24/28
30-059 Kraków