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Natalia Walczak, Bogusław Przedwojski, Zbigniew Walczak
Water velocity distribution on the floodplain with vegetation cover

The article presents a methodology of calculating water velocity distribution, in rivers and river valleys with vegetation. The analytical model of water flow through vegetation of different density in several layers is described. The calculated values of velocity from the analytical model were verified with the use of data obtained from field measurements. Considerable agreement of these results shows the potential possibility of wide use of the presented model in the engineering practice. In natural conditions of flood planes, different types of plants (grass, sedge, reed, bushes and trees) are grouped together along the river banks and floodplains. Existence of different types of plants, with different height, in the same place generates two or even tree layers of vegetation with different density of vegetative structure along the depth of the flow. Observations and field measurements on flood planes of the Warta river indicate the existence of multilayer vegetative structure with flow over rough bottom. The height of bushes on the Warta river flood planes exceed the depth of flow even at large flood flows. Field observations indicate that branches of bushes do not fall into deformation and can be treated as rigid elements. The new analytical model for the vertical velocity profile and the hydraulic roughness at the flow due to rigid elements of vegetation is described in the following three cases: 1) at flow with non submerged, homogeneous vegetation over flow depth, 2) at flow with non submerged, heterogeneous vegetation with different plant density in two layers over flow depth, 3) at flow with submerged, homogeneous vegetation over flow depth. Vertical velocity profiles calculated with the model correspond very well with results from field measurements on the Warta river flood planes and from field experiments.

Key words: velocity, vegetation, hydrometric measurements
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For citation:

MLA Walczak, Natalia, et al. "Rozkład prędkości wody na terenach zalewowych porośniętych roślinnością." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.5 (2011): #98.
APA Natalia Walczak1, Bogusław Przedwojski1, Zbigniew Walczak2 (2011). Rozkład prędkości wody na terenach zalewowych porośniętych roślinnością. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (5), #98
ISO 690 WALCZAK, Natalia, PRZEDWOJSKI, Bogusław, WALCZAK, Zbigniew. Rozkład prędkości wody na terenach zalewowych porośniętych roślinnością. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.5: #98.
Corresponding address:
Natalia Walczak
Katedra Inżynierii Wodnej i Sanitarnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94 A
60-649 Poznań
Accepted for print: 13.06.2011