This paper is concerned with seepage through embankments of the Vistula River along 12-km course on the Ciechocińska Lowlands, which is being improved. Two concepts of sealing the levee have been thoroughly reviewed: 1) vertical screen located in the levee axis,
2) sheet pile in the toe, combined with a screen on the slope. The aim of the analysis was to determine parameters of seepage flow, which might be used as a criterion for selecting the optimal variant of improvement. Calculations have been carried out using the finite element method. Flow rate through levee and foundation has been calculated as well as the mean hydraulic gradient and the time required to seepage from the floodplan to the tailwater side. Obtained results may help the investor select the variant of improvement to be implemented.
MLA | Sroka, Zbigniew, et al. "Analiza filtracji przez modernizowany wał przeciwpowodziowy na Wiśle." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.5 (2011): #95. |
APA | Zbigniew Sroka, Bogdan J. Wosiewicz, Zbigniew Walczak (2011). Analiza filtracji przez modernizowany wał przeciwpowodziowy na Wiśle. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (5), #95 |
ISO 690 | SROKA, Zbigniew, WOSIEWICZ, Bogdan J., WALCZAK, Zbigniew. Analiza filtracji przez modernizowany wał przeciwpowodziowy na Wiśle. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.5: #95. |
Zbigniew Sroka
Katedra Mechaniki Budowli i Budownictwa Rolniczego
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94
61-691 Poznań