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Robert Radaszewski
Influence of selected environmental factors on the compaction in non-cohesive soils in view of experimental studies

The article presents an attempt to determine the effect of selected, postdeposition mechanisms of compaction for loose soils, comprising water infiltration, freezing phenomena and overlay loading of soil, on the resulting complete self-consolidation of tested soils. These soils included aeolian and marine, fluvial and fluvio-glacial (immediate dune subsoil), very well-sor­ted, rounded and well-rounded fine and medium-grained sands from national parks (the Kampinos and the Słowiński National Parks) as well as the Warta-Noteć Interfluve. An increase in the density index of the above mentioned sands due to the above mentioned mechanisms was determined quantitatively in experimental studies, conducted within the framework of a project of the Ministry of Higher Education and Information Technology no. NN 307 3526 33. The biggest role in the compacting process for the tested soils was played by water infiltration. Thus it may be assumed that saturation of these soils with water – at least temporal – has had the most significant effect on an increase in compaction of aeolian soils and the subsoil of dunes in the investigated areas from the time of their deposition to the contemporary times.

Key words: aeolian sand, relative density, consolidation, infiltration, soil freezing, bulk density, porosity, experimental test
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For citation:

MLA Radaszewski, Robert. "Wpływ wybranych czynników środowiskowych na zagęszczenie gruntów bezkohezyjnych w świetle badań eksperymentalnych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.5 (2011): #93.
APA Robert Radaszewski (2011). Wpływ wybranych czynników środowiskowych na zagęszczenie gruntów bezkohezyjnych w świetle badań eksperymentalnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (5), #93
ISO 690 RADASZEWSKI, Robert. Wpływ wybranych czynników środowiskowych na zagęszczenie gruntów bezkohezyjnych w świetle badań eksperymentalnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.5: #93.
Corresponding address:
Robert Radaszewski
Zakład Hydrogeologii i Ochrony Wód
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
ul. Maków Polnych 16
61-606 Poznań
Accepted for print: 13.06.2011