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Michalina Flieger-Szymańska, Katarzyna Machowiak
Basic parameters engineering-geological parameters of varved clays in Junikowski Stream valley

The report presented laboratory results of varved clays from the middle part of the catchment area of Junikowski Stream, in the south-western part of Poznań. Purpose of this study was to determine basic geological-engineering parameters of stagnation clays. Variability of physical-chemical features caused by pronounced vertical heterogeneity of varved clays is the result of differences of the grain size composition. When we interpret geological-engineering features of construction ground forming as anisotropic-textural soils we most treat them as whole (monolith). Therefore most of the laboratory analysis was performed for monolithic samples without dividing into light and dark varves. Results of self research of physical features been treated statistically. Values of natural humidity and boundaries of consistency are distinguished by considerable variability. Varved clays have high value of porosity and index of porosity therefore their volume density is relatively low. Calculated average filtration coefficient points that the soils are impermeable and poorly-insulating. From nomograms it appears that medium- and high-plasticity, medium- and high-expansion and potential expansion samples are dominant.

Key words: varved clays, specific soils, engineering-geological parameters, laboratory research
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For citation:

MLA Flieger-Szymańska, Michalina, and Katarzyna Machowiak. "Podstawowe parametry geologiczno-inżynierskie iłów warwowych występujących w dolinie Strumienia Junikowskiego." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.5 (2011): #80.
APA Michalina Flieger-Szymańska, Katarzyna Machowiak (2011). Podstawowe parametry geologiczno-inżynierskie iłów warwowych występujących w dolinie Strumienia Junikowskiego. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (5), #80
ISO 690 FLIEGER-SZYMAńSKA, Michalina, MACHOWIAK, Katarzyna. Podstawowe parametry geologiczno-inżynierskie iłów warwowych występujących w dolinie Strumienia Junikowskiego. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.5: #80.
Corresponding address:
Michalina Flieger-Szymańska
Instytut Inżynierii Lądowej
Politechnika Poznańska
ul. Piotrowo 5
61-138 Poznań

Accepted for print: 13.06.2011