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Jean Diatta, Maria Biber, Katarzyna Przygocka-Cyna, Remigiusz Łukowiak
Application of soil-plant transfer coefficients and plant pollution indices for evaluating heavy metal contamination within the Marcinkowski’s Recreational Park (Poznań)

Soil and grass samples were collected in October 2009 within the Marcinkowski’s Recreational Park (MRP) of the city Poznań. Thirty six soil samples were collected at two depths (i.e., 18 samples at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) and additional grass samples (18). Pseudo total amounts of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn were extracted by 6 mol HCl per 1 dm3; the same metals were also assayed in grass samples. These data were used for calculating soil-plant Transfer Coefficients (TC) and Plant Pollution Index (PPI). Results dealing with soil properties showed a downward homogeneity, a fact stressing on the strong impact of urbanization. High levels of silt and clay as well as organic carbon were decisive in shaping the size the buffering capacity, which in turn may have been fully controlled by the alkaline pH, ca 7.3. Amounts of Cd and Pb exceeded ca 9 and 6-fold, respectively the background values, whereas for Cu and Zn, ca 3-fold. The occurrence of such relatively high levels of Cd and Pb could be attributed to the impact of heavy traffic. Values of TC and PPI followed the sequences (based on means): for TC: Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu, and for PPI: Cd > Pb > Zn > Cu. Among all investigated metals, Zn contributed the most to the whole contami­nation of grass growing within the park. The influence of Pb and Cd was less pronounced.

Key words: Recreational City Parks, heavy metals, Transfer Coefficients (TC), Plant Pollution Index (PPI)
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For citation:

MLA Diatta, Jean, et al. "Application of soil-plant transfer coefficients and plant pollution indices for evaluating heavy metal contamination within the Marcinkowski’s Recreational Park (Poznań)." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.5 (2011): #79.
APA Jean Diatta, Maria Biber, Katarzyna Przygocka-Cyna, Remigiusz Łukowiak (2011). Application of soil-plant transfer coefficients and plant pollution indices for evaluating heavy metal contamination within the Marcinkowski’s Recreational Park (Poznań). Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (5), #79
ISO 690 DIATTA, Jean, et al. Application of soil-plant transfer coefficients and plant pollution indices for evaluating heavy metal contamination within the Marcinkowski’s Recreational Park (Poznań). Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.5: #79.
Corresponding address:
Jean Diatta
Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Environmental Biogeochemistry
Poznań University of Life Sciences
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 F
60-625 Poznań
Accepted for print: 13.06.2011