Nauka Przyroda Technologie

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Romualda Danków, Jan Pikul
Technological suitability of goat milk for processing

The world population of dairy goats is estimated at 300 million of which approximately 56% is reared in Asia. Goats raised in Europe (about 12 million) constitute 4% of the world herd of these animals. The world goat milk production is assessed to be at the level of about 12 million tons and constitutes over 2% of the global milk obtained from different animal species.
In many European countries, goat milk as a dairy raw material comes second after cow milk. The goat population in Poland is estimated at 190 000 heads. With regard to the content of basic constituents, goat milk is similar to cow milk, although it differs from it as to the qualitative composition of fat and protein. Species protein structure of goat milk, different from that of cow milk, causes fewer allergic reactions which are observed to occur in the case of intolerance to cow milk proteins. Rennin curd from goat milk is softer and less compact. A wide range of different products is manufactured from goat milk including: liquid milk (pasteurised and UHT), rennin and cottage cheeses, fermented beverages such as yoghurt, kefir, butter milk, cream, condensed milk, powdered milk, rice goats, butter and even chocolates “Goat’s Milk”.

Key words: goat milk, cheeses, fermented beverages
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For citation:

MLA Danków, Romualda, and Jan Pikul. "Przydatność technologiczna mleka koziego do przetwórstwa." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.2 (2011): #6.
APA Romualda Danków, Jan Pikul (2011). Przydatność technologiczna mleka koziego do przetwórstwa. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (2), #6
ISO 690 DANKóW, Romualda, PIKUL, Jan. Przydatność technologiczna mleka koziego do przetwórstwa. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.2: #6.
Corresponding address:
Romualda Danków
Katedra Technologii Mleczarstwa
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 31/33
60-624 Poznań
Accepted for print: 6.12.2010