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Henryk Kasza, Anna Mucha
Degree of acidification of precipitation near Bielsko-Biała (in the vicinity of Jasienica)

The results of studies on acidity of precipitation in the vicinity of Jasienica, placed
10 km eastwards from Bielsko-Biała, are presented. The investigations were conducted for wet and total precipitations during the period from 15.03.2009 to 15.03.2010. 98 samples were analysed for each precipitation type. The range of pH values was within 3.88 to 6.71 for wet precipitation and from 3.94 to 6.59 for total precipitation. About 77% of wet precipitation samples had reaction indicating the presence of acidific substances (pH values lower than 5.6). 12.2% samples of wet precipitation and 9.2% samples of total precipitation showed acid reaction (pH < 4.5).
The precipitations were often accompanied by the polar-oceanic air mass. The precipitations related to polar-oceanic air masses in majority (65 samples of wet precipitation on total their number 79) were at normal pH (5.1-6.0) and slightly reduced (4.6-5.0). The most acidified precipitations (pH < 4.5) were connected with winds from north-east and western direction.


Key words: wet and total precipitation, acid rain
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For citation:

MLA Kasza, Henryk, and Anna Mucha. "Stopień zakwaszenia opadów atmosferycznych w pobliżu Bielska-Białej (w miejscowości Jasienica)." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.4 (2011): #57.
APA Henryk Kasza, Anna Mucha (2011). Stopień zakwaszenia opadów atmosferycznych w pobliżu Bielska-Białej (w miejscowości Jasienica). Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (4), #57
ISO 690 KASZA, Henryk, MUCHA, Anna. Stopień zakwaszenia opadów atmosferycznych w pobliżu Bielska-Białej (w miejscowości Jasienica). Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.4: #57.
Corresponding address:
Henryk Kasza
Instytut Ochrony i Inżynierii Środowiska
Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej
ul. Willowa 2
43-309 Bielsko-Biała
Accepted for print: 6.07.2011