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Jolanta Bohdziewicz, Mariusz Kuglarz, Bożena Mrowiec
Intensification of pig manure digestion by co-substrate addition in the form of municipal biowaste

The article presents the results of a study meant to increase the biogas production generated in mesophilic anaerobic digestion of pig manure. It was attempted to establish the most favourable proportion of municipal biowaste as a co-substrate, which did not impact either the stability of methane fermentation or susceptibility of digested biomass to dewatering in a negative way. It was established that the most appropriate municipal biowaste proportion amounted to 30% of TS, which is about 10% if expressed as wet weight. As compared to the sample containing pig manure exclusively, the biogas production rate for the optimum co-digestion mixture (30% TS of municipal biowaste + 70% TS of pig manure) increased by about 35%. Besides, the process exhibited stable conditions and did not deteriorate significantly susceptibility of digested biomass to dewatering.

Key words: anaerobic digestion, co-digestion, biogas, animal by-products, pig manure, municipal biowaste
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Bohdziewicz, Jolanta, et al. "Intensyfikacja fermentacji metanowej gnojowicy świńskiej przez wprowadzenie kosubstratu w formie bioodpadów komunalnych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.4 (2011): #53.
APA Jolanta Bohdziewicz1, Mariusz Kuglarz2, Bożena Mrowiec2 (2011). Intensyfikacja fermentacji metanowej gnojowicy świńskiej przez wprowadzenie kosubstratu w formie bioodpadów komunalnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (4), #53
ISO 690 BOHDZIEWICZ, Jolanta, KUGLARZ, Mariusz, MROWIEC, Bożena. Intensyfikacja fermentacji metanowej gnojowicy świńskiej przez wprowadzenie kosubstratu w formie bioodpadów komunalnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.4: #53.
Corresponding address:
Jolanta Bohdziewicz
Instytut Ochrony i Inżynierii Środowiska
Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej
ul. Willowa 2
43-309 Bielsko-Biała
Accepted for print: 6.07.2011