The 35 small-area farms situated in different parts of the Wielkopolska region were surveyed in 2004-2006. The size range of the selected farms was between 1.9 and 15.1 ha (mean 11.4 ha). The paper presents estimation results of nitrogen classical “farm gate balance” methodology. Input considered nitrogen in bought products: fodders, fodder supplements, fertilizers, manures, animals and seed – sowing material. Output enclosed the nutrient in sale products: animals, animal products, crops, fodders and losses in production (dead animals). The results of nitrogen balance in small-area farms of different specialization and level production indicated the risk of the nutrient surplus in agro-ecosystem in comparison to output with agricultural products. The biggest amount of nitrogen in the studied farms included fertilizers and fodder supplements.
The nitrogen “farm gate balance” showed surplus range –168.4-480.8 kg·ha-1 LU (mean 80.5 kg·ha-1 LU).
MLA | Kupiec, Jerzy. "Kształtowanie się salda i struktura bilansu azotu w małoobszarowych gospodarstwach rolnych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.2 (2011): #14. |
APA | Jerzy Kupiec (2011). Kształtowanie się salda i struktura bilansu azotu w małoobszarowych gospodarstwach rolnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (2), #14 |
ISO 690 | KUPIEC, Jerzy. Kształtowanie się salda i struktura bilansu azotu w małoobszarowych gospodarstwach rolnych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.2: #14. |
Jerzy Kupiec
Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94 C
60-649 Poznań