Nauka Przyroda Technologie

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Joanna Sobczak, Adam Chmielowski, Przemysław Marek, Andrzej Rakowski
Phytoremediation as a method of limiting pollutants contained in the air transmitted from a henhouse

The aim of the undertaken examinations was to determine the effectiveness of phytoremediation as an environment-friendly method of limiting emission of carbon dioxide, ammonia and level of dusting in the air removed from a henhouse. The ventilation system entered air from the henhouse into the experimental greenhouse planted with Canna and Miscanthus plants. Mea­surements (at the entry and exit of the greenhouse) conducted in September, October and November demonstrated an average reduction in the carbon dioxide level about 10% (about 30% a day), of ammonia level nearly 40% and average reduction of dusting level about 14.2%. Dust sedimentation process was disrupted by natural convection of the air heated by sun rays entering the greenhouse. A very positive influence of air pollutants was observed in respect of the experimental plants development, as compared to the control group cultivated in standard greenhouse conditions.


Key words: biorecycling, phytoremediation, elimination of air pollutants, carbon dioxide, ammonia, level of dusting
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For citation:

MLA Sobczak, Joanna, et al. "Fitoremediacja jako metoda ograniczania zanieczyszczeń zawartych w powietrzu emitowanym z kurnika." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.6 (2011): #125.
APA Joanna Sobczak, Adam Chmielowski, Przemysław Marek, Andrzej Rakowski (2011). Fitoremediacja jako metoda ograniczania zanieczyszczeń zawartych w powietrzu emitowanym z kurnika. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (6), #125
ISO 690 SOBCZAK, Joanna, et al. Fitoremediacja jako metoda ograniczania zanieczyszczeń zawartych w powietrzu emitowanym z kurnika. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.6: #125.
Corresponding address:
Joanna Sobczak
Zakład Inżynierii Produkcji Zwierzęcej i Dobrostanu Zwierząt
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
ul. Biskupińska 67
60-463 Poznań
Accepted for print: 26.09.2011