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Maciej Bosiacki, Tomasz Kleiber, Bartosz Markiewicz
Estimation of the growth of selected taxons of ornamental shrubs depending on the fertilization with Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M)

Defining the usefulness of fertilizer with a controlled release of alimentary components, namely Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M), was the main aim of the carried out investigations on the container-growing of the following species: Juniperus × pfitzeriana ‘Mordigan Gold’, J. virginiana ‘Tripartita’, Thuja occidentalis ‘Globosa’, T. ‘Smaragd’, Berberis thunbergii ‘Erecta’, B. ottawensis ‘Superba’. It also aimed at deliminating optimum fertilizer doses sufficient for one vegetative season, arriving at optimal yield. The plants were grown in high-peat substrate fertilized with increasing doses of Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M). The carried out investigations showed the fertilizer was adequate for container-growing of the studied species of ornamental plants. The most optimal dose of the fertilizer Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M) for container-growing of T. occidentalis ‘Globosa’, T. ‘Smaragd’ and B. thunbergii ‘Erecta’, as well as B. ottawensis ‘Superba’ was 6 g∙dm-3, while for the same type of cultivation for J. × pfitzeriana ‘Mordigan Gold’ and J. virginiana ‘Tripartita’ the appropriate dose of the fertilizer should oscillate between 2 to 4 g∙dm-3 of the substrate.


Key words: ornamental shrubs, slow-release fertilizer, Osmocote, fertilization
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For citation:

MLA Bosiacki, Maciej, et al. "Ocena wzrostu wybranych taksonów krzewów ozdobnych w zależności od nawożenia Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M) ." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.6 (2011): #115.
APA Maciej Bosiacki, Tomasz Kleiber, Bartosz Markiewicz (2011). Ocena wzrostu wybranych taksonów krzewów ozdobnych w zależności od nawożenia Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M) . Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (6), #115
ISO 690 BOSIACKI, Maciej, KLEIBER, Tomasz, MARKIEWICZ, Bartosz. Ocena wzrostu wybranych taksonów krzewów ozdobnych w zależności od nawożenia Osmocote Exact Standard (5-6 M) . Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.6: #115.
Corresponding address:
Maciej Bosiacki
Katedra Nawożenia Roślin Ogrodniczych
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Zgorzelecka 4
60-198 Poznań
Accepted for print: 25.05.2011