Maltodextrines are polysaccharides that are used as a food additive. They are produced from starch by hydrolysis. Microwave techniques are more often used in food industry. The aim of the paper was investigation of the influence of microwave radiation on maltodextrines colour, because colour is one of the most important of sensory features. The materials were commercial potato maltodextrines with different value of Dextrose Equivalent. The colour analyses were made by using spectrophotometer with four different illuminants like D65, A, F2 or F11, with specular excluded. Basing on the obtained results, it was concluded, that microwave radiation caused changing value of colour parameters of maltodextrines. The lightness of maltodextrines was lower after irradiation with microwaves but value of a* and b* parameters was higher. The range of colour changing depended on DE, power of using microwaves and illuminant.
MLA | Przetaczek-Rożnowska, Izabela, and Jacek Rożnowski. "Wpływ oddziaływania pola mikrofalowego na zmiany barwy maltodekstryn o różnym stopniu scukrzenia." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5.3 (2011): #18. |
APA | Izabela Przetaczek-Rożnowska, Jacek Rożnowski (2011). Wpływ oddziaływania pola mikrofalowego na zmiany barwy maltodekstryn o różnym stopniu scukrzenia. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 5 (3), #18 |
ISO 690 | PRZETACZEK-ROżNOWSKA, Izabela, ROżNOWSKI, Jacek. Wpływ oddziaływania pola mikrofalowego na zmiany barwy maltodekstryn o różnym stopniu scukrzenia. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2011, 5.3: #18. |
Izabela Przetaczek-Rożnowska
Katedra Analizy i Oceny Jakości Żywności
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
ul. Balicka 122
30-149 Kraków