The aim of this study was to determine the contents of aspartame, acesulphame K and saccharine in selected foodstuffs frequently consumed by obese patients and diabetics and to estimate the consumption of intensive sweeteners in relation to their acceptable daily intake values (ADI). The frequency of consumption and amounts of products with added artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulphame K, saccharine) was determined for 100 individuals: 50 obese patients aged 35-55 years (BMI 28.2-32.8) and 50 patients with insulin-independent diabetes aged 37-61 years (BMI 20.3-32.7). The most preferred 39 products were chosen and its aspartame, acesulphame K and saccharine content was determined by HPLC methods. The intake of sweeteners in all the groups did not exceed ADI and was not significantly different among the groups.
The sweeteners content in determined food products was highly diverse and the highest content was found in beverages and chewing gums. Contents of intensive sweeteners in selected products did not exceed maximum admissible doses, although frequently products in their formulation contained all the analysed intensive sweeteners. Thus it seems advisable to develop recommendations concerning the maximum amounts of sweeteners which could be simultaneously added to a product.
MLA | Reguła, Julita, and Monika Kowalewska. "Zawartość aspartamu, acesulfamu K i sacharyny w produktach spożywanych przez osoby otyłe i chore na cukrzycę." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.5 (2010): #67. |
APA | Julita Reguła, Monika Kowalewska (2010). Zawartość aspartamu, acesulfamu K i sacharyny w produktach spożywanych przez osoby otyłe i chore na cukrzycę. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (5), #67 |
ISO 690 | REGUłA, Julita, KOWALEWSKA, Monika. Zawartość aspartamu, acesulfamu K i sacharyny w produktach spożywanych przez osoby otyłe i chore na cukrzycę. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.5: #67. |
Julita Reguła
Katedra Higieny Żywienia Człowieka
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 31/33
60-624 Poznań