The work presents the sanitary characteristics of sewage sludge samples collected from waste water treatment plants located in the area of the Wielkopolska province. Eight sludge samples were analysed, three of which, in accordance with the technology, were also subject to hygienization by liming. The scope of the examination covered both microbiological and chemical analyses. The examination was to determine the number of bacteria of the Salmonella genus, of the Enterobacteriaceae family and the Clostridium perfringens bacteria in the collected sludge samples. Microbiological analyses were carried out on selected foundations, by means of the lamellar method. The chemical analyses, on the other hand, included such parameters as: dry matter content, reaction and the content of C and N in the sewage sludge samples. The aim of the work was to determine the effectiveness of hygienization processes employed in selected water treatment plants based on the comparative analysis of the microbiological condition of selected sludge samples. The achieved results proved that the sludge samples were characterised by a diversified content of the C. perfringens and Enterobacteriaceae. The examination also proved that none of the samples contained bacteria of the Salmonella genus. The reaction of the analyses material was characterised by diversified values with the pH oscillating between 6.9 and 8.42. The results of the microbiological examination confirmed the compliance of the analysed sludge with the norms listed in the Resolution of the Minister of the Environment (2002). Therefore, they may be classified as suitable for use for agricultural purposes.
MLA | Piotrowska, Monika, and Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka. "Stan sanitarny osadów ściekowych pochodzących z wybranych oczyszczalni ścieków województwa wielkopolskiego." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.6 (2010): #92. |
APA | Monika Piotrowska, Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka (2010). Stan sanitarny osadów ściekowych pochodzących z wybranych oczyszczalni ścieków województwa wielkopolskiego. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (6), #92 |
ISO 690 | PIOTROWSKA, Monika, WOLNA-MARUWKA, Agnieszka. Stan sanitarny osadów ściekowych pochodzących z wybranych oczyszczalni ścieków województwa wielkopolskiego. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.6: #92. |
Monika Piotrowska
Katedra Gleboznawstwa i Ochrony Gruntów
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy
w Poznaniu
ul. Szydłowska 50
60-656 Poznań