The paper shows preliminary results of air flow CFD simulation in the smoking curing chamber concern loading of single-car. The flow in the chamber with and without charge was compared. Geometric mapping of the charge resembled longitudinal shape elements close to the Sopot loin. For the simulation analysis the computational model was elaborated in the ANSYS Mechanical APDL 12.1 system. For discretization of the computational model, the spatial structural finite element type Fluid 142 was used. The discrete model contained about 1 million finite elements. For simulation initial and boundary conditions were defined based on practical knowledge of the selection of appropriate parameters for proper execution of the smoking operation and production practice. The computational calculations were conducted using package ANSYS CFX 12.1 with implemented CFD code, which lets for numerical solution of the balance equations system for motion (flow) of the fluid in the discrete model space. Following the series of simulation calculations the distribution of the flow velocity in the chamber space was obtained. For selected sections, interesting from the point of view of study (perspective), the diversity movement was determined, indicating areas where loin shows places insufficiently smoked; it is due to the extremely low values of the flow velocity.
MLA | Kubiak, Mariusz Sławomir, and Marek Jakubowski. "Trójwymiarowa analiza symulacyjna CFD rozkładu pola prędkości przepływu mieszaniny dwufazowej w komorze wędzarniczej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.5 (2010): #66. |
APA | Mariusz Sławomir Kubiak, Marek Jakubowski (2010). Trójwymiarowa analiza symulacyjna CFD rozkładu pola prędkości przepływu mieszaniny dwufazowej w komorze wędzarniczej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (5), #66 |
ISO 690 | KUBIAK, Mariusz Sławomir, JAKUBOWSKI, Marek. Trójwymiarowa analiza symulacyjna CFD rozkładu pola prędkości przepływu mieszaniny dwufazowej w komorze wędzarniczej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.5: #66. |
Mariusz Sławomir Kubiak
Katedra Procesów i Urządzeń Przemysłu Spożywczego
Politechnika Koszalińska
ul. Racławicka 15-17
75-620 Koszalin