Analyses were conducted on fatteners of the Polish white landrace and large white Polish (pwl × lwp) with crosses of pwl with duroc and pietrain (pwl × (d × p)). Animals were fed in the ad libitum system with all-mash in a selected farm of one of production farmer groups and they were kept under identical environmental conditions. Carcass leanness and backfat thickness in five points on the carcass were measured on warm hanging left half-carcasses. In the longissimus dorsi muscle (LD) pH was measured 45 min (pH45) and 24 h after slaughter (pH24) together with electrical conductivity (EC24). In the lumber section of the LD muscle contents of water, fat, protein, as well as WHC drip cooking losses, and colour were determined. From the breast part of the LD muscle raw smoked loin was prepared using the traditional technology. Sensory evaluation of cooked meat and smoked loin was conducted using a 5-point scale. It was found that three-breed crosses pwl × (d × p) were characterised by leanness higher by 2.35%, a thinner backfat and intramuscular fat of the LD muscle lower by 1.02% in comparison to fatteners of the white breeds. In the investigated population no carcasses with PSE and DFD meat were recorded. The sum of the four basic cuts (ham, shoulder, loin and neck) was similar in both groups (60.8%). Water holding capacity and the content of meat proteins in the evaluated carcasses were comparable. A lower natural drip and cooking losses, as well as a darker colour (L*) were recorded in the meat of three-breed fatteners. Sensory evaluation of cooked meat and raw smoked loin in both groups for the above mentioned indexes received scores of over 4 points. Technological efficiency higher by approximately 5% was found for smoked loins produced from meat of white breed fatteners.
MLA | Grześkowiak, Eugenia, et al. "Przydatność kulinarna mięsa świń ras białych oraz mieszańców z udziałem knurów ras duroc i pietrain." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.5 (2010): #58. |
APA | Eugenia Grześkowiak, Karol Borzuta, Dariusz Lisiak, Piotr Janiszewski, Jerzy Strzelecki (2010). Przydatność kulinarna mięsa świń ras białych oraz mieszańców z udziałem knurów ras duroc i pietrain. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (5), #58 |
ISO 690 | GRZEśKOWIAK, Eugenia, et al. Przydatność kulinarna mięsa świń ras białych oraz mieszańców z udziałem knurów ras duroc i pietrain. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.5: #58. |
Eugenia Grześkowiak
Zakład Badania Surowców i Produkcji Rzeźnianej w Poznaniu
Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Warszawie
Oddział Technologii Mięsa i Tłuszczu
ul. Głogowska 239
60-111 Poznań