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Alicja Kawka, Paulina Rausch, Agnieszka Budna
Starters in production of wheat-oat bread

The results of the quality evaluation of the wheat-oat dough and bread – with and without vital gluten (VG) – prepared with oat sour doughs fermented by starters were shown. Dough containing 30, 40 and 50% oat sour dough fermented by LV1 and LV2 starters and 10 or 12% addition of VG, respectively, were produced. The sensory evaluation and determinations of volume bread, moisture, acidity, porosity, as well as crumb compressibility of storage breads during 24, 48, 72 h were carried out. The oat sour doughs fermented by LV1 had higher acidity than oat sour doughs with LV2. Similar trends were observed in the wheat-oat doughs. The increased of sour dough improved yield and acidity of dough and reduced the fermentation time. Bread containing 30-50% oat sour dough were characterised by differences in volume, structure and acidity of crumb, and sensory quality. The addition of 10-12% of VG to the dough improved the quality of bread. The lower changes of crumb compressibility in storage bread with addition VG were observed. Applying fermentation starters and addition 12% GV into the wheat-oat dough, it is possible to get good quality of bread with 50% oat bran.

Key words: oat bran, starters, vital gluten, quality of wheat-oat bread
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For citation:

MLA Kawka, Alicja, et al. "Startery fermentacji w produkcji pieczywa pszenno-owsianego." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.2 (2010): #22.
APA Alicja Kawka, Paulina Rausch, Agnieszka Budna (2010). Startery fermentacji w produkcji pieczywa pszenno-owsianego. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (2), #22
ISO 690 KAWKA, Alicja, RAUSCH, Paulina, BUDNA, Agnieszka. Startery fermentacji w produkcji pieczywa pszenno-owsianego. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.2: #22.
Corresponding address:
Alicja Kawka
Instytut Technologii Żywności Pochodzenia Roślinnego
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 31/33
60-624 Poznań
Accepted for print: 9.02.2010