Investigations on the effect of different factors on the fodder value of hay obtained from the extensively utilized Noteć River valley meadows expanding on the total area of 325 ha were carried out in years 2007-2008 in four villages in the Czarnków–Trzcianka administrative district of the Wielkopolska province. Farmers harvest hay from semi-natural, extensively utilized meadows which constitute a part of the Natura 2000 Program and the so called European Ecological Network. The obtained hay yield from the examined meadows varied and ranged from 3.7 to 4.8 t/ha. It was found that hay quality was determined by a number of factors, including: nitrogen fertilization limited to 60 kg/ha per year, prohibition of application of most agronomical treatments, floristic composition, late date of cutting, current weather conditions during harvest and application of different harvesting technologies. The chemical analysis of the dried material (pellets) was carried out at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management of the Poznań University of Life Sciences and determined: crude and digestible protein, crude fibre, reducing sugars, gross energy, as well as ADF and NDF. The obtained results indicated that the analysed hay was of average quality. Recapitulating, it can be said that hay obtained from grasses of the Noteć River valley meadows is suitable as fodder for cattle and can be successfully applied in cattle rearing provided it is supplemented with concentrates. In addition, it is also a valuable export material sold as pellets.
MLA | Grzelak, Mieczysław. "Produkcja i wartość paszowa suszu z łąk nadnoteckich ekstensywnie użytkowanych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.1 (2010): #10. |
APA | Mieczysław Grzelak (2010). Produkcja i wartość paszowa suszu z łąk nadnoteckich ekstensywnie użytkowanych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (1), #10 |
ISO 690 | GRZELAK, Mieczysław. Produkcja i wartość paszowa suszu z łąk nadnoteckich ekstensywnie użytkowanych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.1: #10. |
Mieczysław Grzelak
Katedra Łąkarstwa
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 38/42
60-627 Poznań