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Ewa Kotiuk, Barbara Sawicka, Małgorzata Karwowska
Changes of viscosity and colour parameters of mustard during storage

Rheological properties and colour of mustards were being assessed directly after producing and after three months of storage. The evaluation of the dynamic viscosity and the colour of the mustard in the CIE L*a*b* system was carried out in three kinds of the mustard:
a) delicates, b) kremska, c) sharp, produced in three versions: from the white mustard cv. ‘Barka’ and sarepska cv. ‘Małopolska’, white mustard cv. ‘Borowska’ and sarepska cv. ‘Małopolska’ and white mustard cv. ‘Bamberka’ and sarepska cv. ‘Małopolska’. The conducted research was carried out twice: right after producing and after three months of the storage in 18°C, in three repetitions, at the Manufacturing Company of Vinegar and Mustard in Parczew, in 2007. The raw material of the mustard was acquired from experimental field, conducted the same year, in middle-eastern Poland, in the layout of randomized blocks, to light silty clay, of evaluation IVb class. For examinations, testers of the mustard were taken in the amount of 15-30 g. Dynamic viscosity was indicated with the viscosimeter of the Brookfield company, colour in the CIE L*a*b* system applying the spherical X-Rite 8200 spectrophotometer. Mustard viscosity varied depending on its type, as well as the characteristics of the cultivars used to produce mustard. Further research should be undertaken in order to conduct quantitative analysis of gelling agents in the different varieties of mustard. Colour also fluctuated during storage and it was dependent on the type of mustard, as well as the variety of white mustard used in its composition.

Key words: mustard, storage, colour in the CIE L*a*b* system, dynamic viscosity
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For citation:

MLA Kotiuk, Ewa, et al. "Zmiany lepkości oraz wyróżników barwy musztardy w czasie przechowywania." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.3 (2010): #40.
APA Ewa Kotiuk, Barbara Sawicka, Małgorzata Karwowska (2010). Zmiany lepkości oraz wyróżników barwy musztardy w czasie przechowywania. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (3), #40
ISO 690 KOTIUK, Ewa, SAWICKA, Barbara, KARWOWSKA, Małgorzata. Zmiany lepkości oraz wyróżników barwy musztardy w czasie przechowywania. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.3: #40.
Corresponding address:
Ewa Kotiuk
ul. Dębowa 3
21-200 Parczew
Accepted for print: 29.03.2010